Sunday, January 16, 2011

When Does it Stop Being Hard?

A favorite quote comes to mind..."I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."
I know that life is a challenge. I know that each day will present challenges. If you live a day without facing a challenge, you have not looked for enough opportunities to grow. This weekend? Yes, apparently I looked for growth and am in the painful growing process!!
You would think after forty that I would take my own advice and just tighten up my boot strings! But sometimes even a mom of grown kids can wish she could turn back the clock and make sure she instilled all the values she thought she did and the sense of family too.....
I think I am experiencing growing pains again.............................................

Monday, November 1, 2010

My First Blog

Hi. I am a little unsure of how to go about blogging.
I love reading my daughter's blog (She is truly witty and inspiring), and seeing other people's projects and ideas, but I can't guarantee that there will truly be any wisdom, wit, or whimsy in my entries! That is probably more of a statement of wishful thinking!
I am a mother of three grown (I try not to hold that against them) terrific kids, all currently away at college. This is my second year of the proverbial "empty-nest" and I am adjusting to it:)
It is not bad, just different. I miss my kids like crazy. Honestly, I look back over their time at home and I can think of several different ages I would like to have just frozen them in time at that age forever! I know that wouldn't be fair to them, but a selfish little part of me still wishes it were possible!
While your kids are growing up, you label yourself as their parent, they label you as their mom, as is evident in the constant calling out of "Mommmmmmm!" from all corners of the house or in the grocery store if you somehow slipped out of their immediate line of vision. In fact, one of the first words your children learn to say is "mmmommmmmommmmommm." Your identity is your kids, even their school teachers will say, "You must be Carson's mom." or "Chelsea's mom" or "Kyle's mom". Your entire life at that time evolves around sporting events, church activities, school field trips, chauffering them from activity to activity, running forgotten homework or signed permission slips to school, baking treats for home room, etc. Then, one by one, they become self-sufficient, independent adults and you are left contemplating the meaning of life.
That's where I am. .